Wood Planks Price List Philippines

Wood Planks are elongated, flat pieces of wood that are cut from the trunk of a tree. They are rectangular and vary in dimensions, thickness, and wood species. Wood planks serve a large number of purposes in various woodworking projects, construction, and carpentry. With a wide range of wood species and the possible designs wood planks offer, they have become one of the most popular choices in various projects or industries.

Wood Planks Prices

Wood plank prices vary depending on their dimensions. The smallest dimensioned wood planks start at ₱1,071.00 and can go up to ₱2,142.00.

Item no.DimensionsPrices
11 X 12 X 8₱1,071.00
22 X 12 X 10₱2,678.00
32 X 12 X 12₱3,213.00
42 X 12 X 8₱2,142.00

wood planks

Advantages of Wood Planks

Natural Aesthetics – Wood planks have become a popular choice for many property owners for both interior and exterior designs as they offer a warm and natural aesthetic that adds character and visual appeal to any space.

Versatility – Wood planks are known for their versatility which means they can be used for a wide range of applications such as flooring, furniture, wall paneling, and other structural elements you can find in construction.

Renewable Resource – Wood is a renewable resource, and as long as the wood planks come from responsibly sourced wood from sustainably managed forests, it can contribute to environmental sustainability.

Easy to Installation – Wood planks are generally easy to install, especially in projects like flooring or wall paneling as they can just be nailed, glued, or even placed afloat.

Easy to Repair – In case of being damaged, wood planks can easily be repaired or refinished, which could extend their lifespan and reduce the need for complete replacement saving you money in the long run.

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Disadvantages of Wood Planks

Susceptible to Moisture – Wood is prone to damage from moisture which could lead to issues such as warping, swelling, or rotting. Wood planks require proper sealing and additional maintenance so that you can reduce these risks.

Vulnerable to Pest – Wood can be susceptible to pests such as termites which could lead to structural damage if not addressed quickly and properly.

Maintenance Requirements – Wood planks require regular maintenance, including sealing, staining, or refinishing so that you can preserve their appearance and durability over time.

Low Resistance to Fire Wood is combustible, and untreated wood planks have low resistance to fire. Flame-retardant treatments can be applied, but it is impossible to achieve a complete fire-resistant wood plank.

Cost Variability – The cost of wood planks can vary based on the type of wood, quality, and market conditions and these properties could make them more expensive than alternative materials.


What are wood planks?

A wooden plank is a long, flat piece of wood that is usually rectangular. It is cut from the trunk of a tree and is commonly used in industries such as construction, carpentry, and other projects that require the use of planks.

What is wood plank flooring?

A wood plank flooring is just like a traditional hardwood flooring. The only difference is the woods used in this type of flooring are wide instead of strip-like traditional hardwood.

Is wood planks good for flooring?

Since the 1600s, plank flooring has been considered one of the most popular flooring designs.

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What is the best wood for planks?

The perfect woods to be used as planks are cedar and redwood due to their natural beauty, durability, and versatility.

Is wood flooring slippery?

Wooden floors initially aren’t slippery, however, cleaning products, high-gloss finishes, or wax build-up can cause them to become slick.

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