Wood Pallet Price List Philippines

A wood pallet is a portable platform with both a top and a bottom surface. It is typically made from wooden materials and is mainly used for stacking, storing, handling, and transporting goods. Wood pallets play a very important role in logistics and supply chain operations as they provide a standardized and efficient means for moving different kinds of goods in various industries.

Wood Pallet Prices

The wood pallet prices depend on the species of wood the pallet is made from and the size of the pallet itself. On average, you can purchase a wood pallet for as low as ₱924.14 up to ₱10,361.57

Standard 1 Tonne Pine Pallet1165 x 1165₱2,660.40
Heavy Duty 2 Tonne Pine Pallet1165 x 1165₱2,940.45
4 Bearer Pine Pallet1165 x 1165₱3,080.47
Double Pallet2400 x 1165₱6,440.98
Double Pallet – Hardwood2400 x 1165₱10,361.57
New Pine Skid600 x 300₱924.14
Pine Skid600 x 600₱1,136.97
New Pine Skid800 x 800₱1,596.24

Advantages of Wood Pallet

Cost-Effective – Wood pallets are generally more cost-effective to produce compared to pallets made from alternative materials such as plastic hence the reason for their widespread use in shipping and logistics.

Availability – Wood pallets are widely available, and their standard sizes make them compatible with various handling equipment, storage systems, and vehicles.

wood pallet

Recyclable and Repairable – Wood pallets can be easily recycled and repaired. After their initial use, they can still be refurbished and reused which extends their lifecycle and contributes to sustainability.

CustomizationWood pallets are customizable and can be adjusted to meet specific requirements in terms of size, load capacity, and features. This is very advantageous as it proves how wood pallets can be used for different applications in various industries.

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Biodegradability – Unlike plastic pallets which are considered harmful to the environment, wood pallets are biodegradable. This means that when the wood pallets have outgrown their use, they will naturally decompose, reducing environmental impact.

Disadvantages of Wood Pallet

Flimsy – Wood pallets are prone to damage from impacts, rough handling, and exposure to the elements which could compromise the integrity and value of the goods that are being transported.

Weight – The weight of wood pallets can also impact transportation costs. Some industries, such as air freight(transportation of goods via aircraft), may seek other options to reduce overall weight.

Pest Infestation – Even with precautions and maintenance, wood pallets can still be susceptible to pest infestations which can pose a risk to goods that are being transported.

Inconsistent Quality – Due to its availability, wood pallets have different variations, especially if sourced from different suppliers. Inconsistent quality may lead to different variations in terms of performance and longevity.

Low Fire Resistance – Wood pallets are combustible, and in certain industries where fire resistance is critical, there are a lot of alternatives with better fire-resistant properties that can replace wood pallets.

Video of Wood Pallet

50 Amazing Uses for Wood Pallets


What is a wood pallet?

A wooden pallet is a cluster of sawn wood that is made into boards and rafters.

What is the purpose of a pallet?

The main use of a wooden pallet is that it acts as a primary interface of a unit load to protect a product by absorbing stresses and holding the product’s weight.

Why are wooden pallets used?

Wooden pallets have become an important part of packaging and distributing goods. It is also more affordable and holds more weight than its plastic counterpart.

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Is wood pallet safe?

All wood pallets that are compliant with ISPM 15 are considered to be safe. After all, these wood pallets are made from treated wood and heat-treated to certain specifications.

Is the wood pallet waterproof?

A wood pallet has low resistance to water making it able to withstand small amounts of water without being damaged.

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