Gutter Price List Philippines

A gutter is a shallow channel, mostly found along the eaves of a roof to help collect or redirect rainwater away from the walls of a building. This construction material is a very important component of any building’s drainage system as it serves to protect it from any form of water damage. Gutters are mostly made from materials like aluminum, vinyl, steel, or copper, and they come in a wide range of shapes and sizes making them versatile materials that are suitable for different architectural styles.

Gutter Prices

The prices of gutters can vary depending on the materials, thickness, and width. On average, they can range from ₱392.00 to ₱1,047.00.


Advantages of Gutter

Prevents Water Damage – Gutters are known to efficiently collect rainwater that comes from the roof and redirect it away from walls or the landscape to prevent water damage and erosion. This alone is very advantageous as it helps prevent water damage and erosion.

Protects Foundation – By directing rainwater away from the foundation, gutters help prevent soil erosion, foundation settling, and structural damage that is mostly caused by water infiltration.

Prevents Basement Flooding – A properly installed gutter ensures that the rainwater is directed away from the building’s perimeter and is properly drained which greatly reduces the risk of flooding of the basement.

Prevents Water Stains – Gutters help prevent water stains on exterior surfaces and water infiltration into windows, doors, and other openings, helping preserve the aesthetic appeal of the building.

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Disadvantages of Gutter

Maintenance Required – Gutters require regular cleaning and maintenance to remove debris such as leaves, twigs, and dirt, that can clog the gutters and impede the flow of water.

Potential for Damage – If they are not properly maintained, gutters can become damaged or clogged which can lead to water overflow, leaks, and water damage to the building’s structure and landscaping.

Cost of Installation – The initial cost of installing gutters, including materials and labor, requires a significant amount of money, especially for larger buildings or complex roof designs. 

Aesthetic Considerations – If they are not properly installed, gutters can be visually unappealing, especially if they do not match the architectural design of your building. In this case, you should opt for alternative materials.

Video of Gutter

How To Install Gutters For Beginners! Easy DIY Home Project!


What is the definition of a gutter?

A gutter is a construction material that helps redirect rainwaters away from a building’s foundation, reducing the risks of any type of water damage.

What is a gutter on the road?

A gutter on the road refers to a shallow channel installed on the edge of a roadway to collect and channel rainwater away from the road surface. 

What is gutter used for?

Gutters serve several purposes such as water collection, water diversion, prevention of water damage, and preserving landscaping.

What is a gutter in drainage?

In drainage systems, a gutter refers to a shallow channel that is installed along the edge of a road, pavement, and other surfaces.

Are gutters important?

Yes, gutters are important components of buildings and drainage systems due to the numerous benefits they provide.

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