Anchor Bolt Price List Philippines

An Anchor Bolt is a tool designed to act as a fastener mainly used for securing objects or structures to concrete. It is widely used in construction, manufacturing, and other industries where a secure connection to concrete foundations is essential for the structure’s integrity and safety. Anchor bolts play a very important role in providing stability and preventing movement or displacement of structures, equipment, machinery, and other heavy loads. These bolts come in various types and variations, such as wedge anchors, sleeve anchors, and expansion anchors that can be used depending on the specific tool that your project requires.

Anchor Bolt Prices

The factors that determine the Anchor Bolt prices are their sizes and length. On average these bolts can cost from ₱51.59 up to ₱1572.18.

Wedge TypeM885₱51.59
Wedge TypeM8100₱61.10
Wedge TypeM1065₱121.03
Wedge TypeM1080₱141.14
Wedge TypeM1095₱161.11
Wedge TypeM10100₱158.98
Wedge TypeM12100₱361.19
Wedge TypeM12115₱399.97
Wedge TypeM12140₱596.92
Wedge TypeM16130₱269.68
Wedge TypeM16180₱572.88
Wedge TypeM20170₱1572.18
Anchor Bolt

Advantages of Anchor Bolt

Structural Stability – Anchor helps provide stability for structures in different constructions, especially in securing heavy equipment, machinery, and structural elements to concrete foundations.

Versatility Anchor Bolts come in various types, sizes, and variations which makes them a versatile tool for different applications. These bolts can be adapted to suit the specific needs and load requirements of a particular project.

Easy to Install – Anchor Bolts are generally easy to install, especially when compared to more complex anchoring methods.

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Cost-Effective – The simplicity and ease of installation of Anchor Bolts contribute to lowering the budget for a project making it one of the most cost-effective solutions for anchoring structures to concrete foundations.

Disadvantages of Anchor Bolt

Limited Adjustability – While some Anchor Bolts offer adjustability, others can also have limited options for alignment or repositioning once they are set in place. This lack of adjustability can be a disadvantage in certain projects that require lots of adjustments.

Vibration and Shock Loads – Anchor Bolts may be less suitable for applications subjected to high levels of vibration or shock loads. In such cases, specialized anchoring systems may be preferred.

Prone to Corrosion – Anchor Bolts are susceptible to corrosion, especially in outdoor or corrosive-prone environments. Corrosion can weaken the bolts over time which could also lead to potential structural issues.

Video of Anchor Bolt

Anchor Bolt : What , Why and How


What is an Anchor Bolt used for?

The Anchor Bolt was made to help ease the connection of both structural and non-structural elements to a wall or concrete. 

What is the main function of an Anchor Bolt?

The primary function of the Anchor Bolt is to secure the column by transferring tensile loads to the respective foundation.

What size are Anchor Bolts in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, there are different kinds of Anchor Bolts but they only differ in their diameters. The diameters of these Anchor Bolts range from 10mm up to 85mm.

What is the most common Anchor Bolt?

One of the most common Anchor Bolts in the market is the 90-degree L-shaped Anchor Bolt that comes with a bend or hook in one end that can resist pulling which safely secures two objects together.

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How deep do Anchor Bolts go?

The minimum and maximum depth of penetration of Anchor Bolts depends on the expansion bolt type.

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